This morning the Mainstream media is falling all over themselves as to why Cuba is still "The Bad Guys" and why the embargo must be maintained and how the mighty nuclear-armed United States is still threatened by tiny little Cuba (about as silly as nuclear-armed Israel being threatened by Gaza).
So, a bit of history the MSM will probably NOT mention, but which goes farther in explaining this strange bullying by the US.
A long time ago, about the time the second Godfather film is set, Cuba was ruled by Fulgencio Batista, a US puppet ruler, not unlike the Shah of Iran, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Like those other rulers, there were rumors that Batista had won office in Cuba through CIA-assisted election fraud. Like those other rulers, Batista oppressed and impoverished his own people in order to allow US Corporations operating in Cuba to make more profits. Batista sold Cuba's agricultural produce at below-market prices to PepsiCo, United Fruit, and other US companies. Batista also extended a welcoming hand to the Mafia, which built hotels and casinos in Havana, which was wide open to every vice imaginable. Anything could be had for the price, nothing was illegal.
The CIA was well-entrenched in Cuba. It made a very convenient base to operate out of for operations in South America (see reference to Chile above). It gave the CIA "deniability" to operate out of Cuba rather than directly out of the US.
This was all very cozy for the mafia and the corporations and the CIA. It was not very well for the people of Cuba who, forbidden to sell their produce at fair market prices, languished in poverty.
Had Batista not so abused his own people, Fidel Castro would have likely remained a farmer his entire life. But, Cuba was a living hell for the Cuban people, and Fidel became the focal point for the inevitable revolution.
So, Batista fell, the members of his government fled to Florida, and Castro came to power. The irony is that he approached the United State about establishing relations. But Castro wanted to sell Cuba's agricultural produce for the going global market price. This did not sit well with US Corporations that had grown wealthy on Batista's "discounts." Castro also wanted to curb some of the more extreme activities at the Havana casinos. The Mafia did not like that at all. They had invested heavily in Havana to have a place where they could do and sell things still illegal in Las Vegas. And the CIA wanted their base of operations back.
So the US, urged on by the corporations, the Mafia, the CIA, and Batista's henchmen (now called the Cuban Exiles) took a hard line. They did not want to be friends with Castro, unless Castro were willing to be the new Batista. Knowing that being a new Batista would result in a new revolution, Castro prudently declined the offer.
The US declared an embargo to starve Cuba into getting rid of Castro and allowing the Batista regime to return. This forced Castro to turn to the USSR for trade relations in what was possibly one of the worst foreign policy blunders the US ever made. That Cuba had broken free of its US puppet was bad enough, but that Cuba was now a soviet satellite just 90 miles from the United States was a major embarrassment.
US Corporations started backing candidates who promised to restore Cuba to its former subservient condition. United Fruit was one of Richard Nixon's largest backers, and Nixon, while vice-President under Eisenhower, started the preparations to try to invade Cuba, assuming that he would complete the plan as President after Eisenhower. Of course, John F. Kennedy beat Nixon in the 1960 election, but the plan went forward anyway. The CIA covertly armed and trained the "Cuban Brigade" made up of former Batista government thugs, then lied to John F. Kennedy by telling him that the Cuban people would rush right down to join an invasion to crush Castro and return Cuba to a Batista-style regime. So, Kennedy approved the invasion plan, yet another foreign policy blunder. (As a side note, a Texas oil company owner by the name of George Herbert Waker Bush was involved with the CIA at that time, recruited by legendary CIA operative Felix Rodriguez. Bush supplied three ships for the operation, named the Barbara, the Houston, and the Zapata, named for his wife, his home town, and his oil company.)
The invasion force landed at the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban people rushed right down to the landing zone and proceeded to stomp the invading force into the sand, sending a clear message to the world that the people of Cuba preferred communist rule by Castro to anything the US had to offer. JFK, incensed that the CIA had lied to him, terminated the operation and fired Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA.
In the end, the United States had to violate its own embargo and ship $5 million worth of badly needed medical supplies to Cuba to secure the release of the captured CIA invasion force.
As a result of the attempted invasion, the USSR sent nuclear missiles to Cuba, both to prevent another invasion and to counter the US missiles that threatened the USSR from Turkey.
The world avoided a nuclear war only when Khrushchev removed the missiles from Cuba, with the explicit understanding that if the US attacked Cuba ever again, the USSR would immediately launch a nuclear strike at the United States. This was a mirror of Kennedy's own doctrine in which he had proclaimed that an attack on any nation in the Americas would be construed as an attack on the US itself.
So, the US, despite positive spin, the reality is that the history of Cuba is the story of one major policy screwup after another, which ended with the US embarrassed before the world. The CIA, the mafia, the Cuban Exiles, and the corporations all have long memories and they know how to hold a grudge. They also know that normal relations with Cuba will allow the story of Cuba's history to be told from Cuba's point of view, and that is something they cannot allow.
So, as Fidel steps down, expect a non-stop Cuba-bashing to dominate the mainstream media news. Pay no attention to what really happened in Cuba. Just know that drinking Cuban rum or smoking a Cuban cigar is a crime punishable in the United States, because Cuba refused to sell that run or those cigars at prices the United States dictated.
Ultimately, it was the US and its puppet Batista that created Castro, and the story is one more black eye in the history of the United States.